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Some Reflections on Evangelism 對傳福音的省思
Rev. Dr. Ed File 張懋禛翻譯
Fundamentalist/ Evangelistic perspective: 基要主義者/傳福音式的觀點 “I love to tell the story.” Stories about Jesus calling sinners to repentance and to join the community of faith called the church. Sometimes this evangelism is seen more as recruiting of new church members. 「我喜愛講這故事」,關於耶穌呼召罪人悔改並加入稱為教會的信仰群體。有時候這樣的傳福音,被視為像在招募新的教會會友。
The Greek Bible uses the word ‘ekklesia’ for the community of faithful followers of Jesus’ teaching. (Paul’s letters) It is translated as church and there is no clear record that Jesus ever used such an expression. Yet Jesus speaks so many times of the Kingdom – Greek word is ‘Basileia’ – in parables and teachings. Jesus says “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness.” Not “build the church’. Fundamentalists promise a heavenly rhapsody. Cynics refer to this as “Pie in the sky by and by when you die” 希臘文聖經用「ekklesia」這個字,指跟隨耶穌教訓的忠實跟隨者群體,保羅書信裡這個字被翻譯為教會;耶穌是否有這樣的詮釋,則沒有清楚的紀錄。然而,耶穌卻許多次在比喻或教導中提到「國度」—希臘文Basileia。耶穌說:「先求上帝的國與義」,而不是「建立教會」。基要主義者承諾一種天堂式的狂熱,有人譏諷地稱這種想法為「死後虛幻的承諾」。
Reflection on Text 經文的省思 Greek word ‘euangelion’ means ‘good news’ – Good news to person in chains is to be released, to person blind is to see, to poor and oppressed is to recover dignity and justice. Jesus didn’t just talk about God’s love, didn’t just tell stories. From the Bible, He lived God’s love. He healed the sick, fed the multitude, released the chains of those controlled by evil spirits, chased the greedy money changers from the place of worship. The Kingdom of God is built on peoples’ response to the good news – not just the words but the actions – not just the commitment to love but compassionate responses to neighbors. Jesus summed up the law and the prophets saying ‘Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and strength and mind and love thy neighbor thyself. Loving thy neighbor is bringing good news to thy neighbor. If we are Christians, followers of Jesus and his teachings we seek to bring the good news, ‘euangelion’, to our neighbor. Long ago a great evangelist taught us: “The church exists by evangelism as a fire exists by burning.” Unless we bring good news to the world we are not being the church. 希臘文「euangelion」意思是「好消息」--對被擄的人好消息就是得釋放,對失明的人就是得看見,對貧窮與受欺壓的人就是恢復尊嚴與公義。耶穌不只是談論上帝的愛,不是只說故事。根據聖經,祂活出上帝的愛。祂醫治生病的,餵飽群眾,釋放那些被邪靈控制的人,將兌換銀錢的貪錢之人趕出敬拜上帝的地方。上帝國是建立在人們對好消息的回應之上—不只是言語更是行動—不只是委身去愛上帝,更是對鄰人的仁慈回應。耶穌總結律法與先知的話,說「盡心、盡性、盡力、盡意愛主,並愛鄰人如愛自已一樣」。愛鄰人就是將好消息帶給他們。如果我們是基督徒,就是耶穌的跟隨者和祂教導的追尋者,我們會把好消息帶給我們的鄰居。很久以前有一位偉大的佈道家說:「由傳福音而存在的教會猶如由燃燒而存在的火」。除非我們帶好消息到世上,否則我們就不是教會。
There is here a sound suggestion that we as Christians ought to earn the right to tell our neighbor the story of Jesus from the gospel. First we should show our love and compassion by our actions bringing good news to others, just as Jesus in the text (and as Good Samaritan in parable). Then when they ask us why we do good news actions and where do we find strength and courage to seek justice and dignity for all – we have earned the right to tell the gospel story of Jesus and his call to repent and change our ways and receive the good news of Jesus and his Father’s love. Our identity as Christians is in the spirituality of being anointed with Christ to bring the good news in our actions in seeking to build his kingdom. In Taiwan today Christians also struggle with their identity as Taiwanese, as Aboriginals, facing Chinese hegemony. 在這裡有個聲音建議我們,身為基督徒我們要挣得權力對我們的鄰居傳講耶穌的故事。首先我們應該用我們的行動表現我們的愛與慈悲,帶好消息給他人,就像耶穌在經文裡一樣(正如好撒馬利亞人的比喻一般)。然後當他們問我們為什麼我們從事好消息的行動,以及我們從何找到為所有人追求公義與尊嚴的力量與勇氣時,我們就已經掙到了權力—傳講耶穌的福音故事、祂呼召人悔改改變、接受耶穌與天父慈愛的好消息。我們基督徒的身分,就是在靈裡被基督膏抹,在我們追求建立上帝國的行動中帶來好消息。在今日的台灣,基督徒同樣在面對中國霸權下,掙扎於他們身為台灣人、身為原住民的身分。
Our reflection on evangelism asks questions about our identity as Christians: (a) Who we are as Christians seeking the building of the kingdom of God. (b) Who we are as citizens of various nations seeking democratic self-determination and autonomy civil and human rights for all. (c) Who we are as people with the name of Taiwan, Formosa, Aboriginal tribe. (d) Who we are as human beings with human dignity in a world created through God’s love wherein so many live without such dignity, wherein so many live without opportunity to seek and control their autonomy and their identity as persons, as communities, as nations. 我們對傳福音的省思,引發我們基督徒思考幾個有關身分的問題: 1.身為尋求建立上帝國的基督徒,我們是誰。 2.身為多元國家,尋求民主式自決和對所有人公民與人權自治的國民,我們是誰。 3.身為名稱為台灣、福爾摩沙、原住民民族的人民,我們是誰? 4.在透過上帝慈愛所創造的世界上,其中有許多人沒有人性尊嚴地活著,有許多人沒有追求並掌控他們的自治權,以及他們身為人、社群、與國家之身分的機會。身為生活在這個世界上,有人性尊嚴的人類,我們是誰?
Evangelism傳福音 I believe good news for this world today means for us to be agents of love and peace with social justice, preserving our Creator’s gift of the whole environment, and all of nature, for each to share with full human dignity, for each to enjoy their chosen identity as mutually respecting neighbors and partners in creation. That is surely evangelism today – Good news is Jesus told his neighbors in Nazareth. The spirit of our Creator is upon us – in Christ we have been anointed to be good news in word and action to Taiwan and to the whole creation. Peng-An 我相信對今日世界的好消息,就是我們成為愛與和平的代表,通過社會公義、保存整個環境與自然的上帝創造恩典、每個人分享完全的人性尊嚴、每個人享受他們決定的身分,就是身為平等有尊嚴的鄰人和夥伴。這就是今日的傳福音—好消息就是耶穌告訴他在拿撒勒的鄰人。創造主的靈在我們身上,在基督裡我們已經被膏抹,成為在世上的好消息,成為對台灣與所有受造界的行動。平安!
備註 |
Rev. Dr Ed. File(愛台灣牧師)簡介: Senior Professor of York University, Canada(加拿大約克大學資深教授) Pastor of United Church if Canada(加拿大聯合教會牧師) 同時,Rev. Dr Ed. File(愛台灣牧師)與林哲夫教授同為台灣城鄉運動(URM)開創者。 |
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